Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Luck of the Irish

Hello, friends!  It has been a while since we last caught up, so let's jump right in.  By the way, happy St. Patrick's Day!  In honor of the holiday, today we are traveling to Ireland.  Buckle up, this is about to be a dazzling ride!

Ireland.  Photo courtesy of www.naturalhistoryonthenet.com 
Today, Ireland is mainly known - and celebrated - for its beer, along with the high alcohol tolerance of the Irish people.  Although St. Paddy's Day is a great reason to grab a beer with some friends, there is much more to this breathtaking country.

Don't believe me?  Well, let's take a quick look some of the places and things Ireland has to offer its 7.3 million yearly tourists:

Photo courtesy of Guinness.com

What's a tribute blog to Ireland without their famous Guinness beer?  If, today, you drink some sort of alcohol, make sure it's a Guinness.    After all, the average Irishman drinks 34.6 gallons of beer each year!  According to Ireland Favorites, Guinness has to be poured the proper way in order to have the best taste: "In a clean tulip glass tilt glass at 45 degree angle and fill to 3/4, let the Guinness settle for 90 seconds or so, fill remainder of glass leaving creamy head on top. Admire nicely poured Guinness for a few seconds letting it again settle, take first sip and savor."

Photo courtesy of untapped cities.com

When looking at a bird's-eye view of Ireland, one would see two main things: greenery and castles.  Castles play a major role in not only the architecture of the land, but also the history.  Now in the 21-century, tourists can go on tours of historic castles, and even rent out rooms in the smaller castles.  When researching some of the castles in Ireland, one smaller one stuck out: Belle Isle Castle.

Belle Isle Castle
Photo courtesy of Belle-Isle.com
The Belle Isle Castle may look mediocre from the outside when compared to other castles.  I mean, look: there's no moat, no high towers for the guards, nothing of that sort.  What this castle does have, however, is Irish charm and character.  The Belle Isle Castle is one that can be rented out to tourists for weddings, parties, or even a couple's getaway.  The rooms are renovated, so they have a more modern charm rather than a "this castle was built in the 1500s and I can tell, but not in a good way" charm.

One can choose to stay directly in the castle or can stay in one of the several cottages on the estate.  If the group has a large number of guests, such as a family, there are newly renovated holiday cottages that can sleep up to eight guests.

When the couple, wedding party, or group of close friends books a stay at the castle, there is much more to do than simply exploring the castle.  With private fishing lakes, shooting ranges and sailboats on the estate, there is more to do than a day's time allows.

That's all I have for you this week!  Have a safe St. Patrick's Day, and remember to join me back here next week when we reveal my next hidden cove!

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